Small Business Survey

Small businesses are the backbone of the Scottish Borders economy. 

They support local jobs and ensure we have thriving, vibrant communities. 

Ahead of Small Business Saturday, I want to hear from business owners to understand how they can be better supported in the Borders. 

Please share your views below 👇


Small Business Survey

  • Current Your details
2. How would you describe your current business outlook for the next 12 months?
3. What are the main challenges your business faces in the current economic climate? (Select all that apply)
4. Overall, how has the recent UK Government Budget impacted your business?
5. How easy is it to recruit and retain staff in the Borders?
7. Are you aware of the devolved responsibilities of the Scottish Government when it comes to business, the economy and taxation?
10. Would you be interested in taking part in a Borders Business roundtable?
0% 100%
0% 100%
13. Have you had any experience working with South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE), and if so, how would you rate your experience?
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